Cherry Class (Reception and Year 1)
Welcome to Cherry Class where we love to learn through play and exploration. We learn inside and outside about all sorts of fascinating things from bugs to number bonds. We all try our best and understand that sometimes when we are learning it can be a bit tricky but we must persevere. Most of all we like to have fun together!
The adults that help in Cherry Class are:
Mrs Bates- Class Teacher.
Mrs Cooper- LSA
Miss Berry LSA
Autumn 1 Med Term Plan 2024
Key Information
Our celebratory Star Assembly will take place at 3.10pm every Friday. We extend an invitation to all of our school community to come and share the successes of the week in our school hall.
PE happens on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure all PE kit and shoes are labelled clearly. PE kit should be kept in school and will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing or as required.
Reading books will be changed each week on a Monday. Listening to your child reading and discussing books with your child at home is encouraged at least 3-5 times a week. We also strongly encourage reading to your child daily in addition to listening to them read.
Year 1s will have weekly spellings to practice at home from the spring term. Please ensure that your child has opportunity to practice these to support spelling.
Reception children will be practicing spellings at school as part of our phonics scheme.
Forest School
Forest school happens on a Thursday- Please ensure that appropriate clothing is brought in each week. This may be wellies and coats or sun hats etc.