Ditcheat Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and
Upton Noble C of E VC Primary Schools

Uniform Information

Our uniform is available from South West Schoolwear in Wells.  You can go in store our order online via the image to the left.

Our uniform consists of:

Grey skirt, pinafore dress, trousers or shorts

White polo shirt or blouse

Green School jumper or cardigan

Green and white summer dress

Black leather school shoes


PE Kit:

Yellow School T-shirt

Black shorts

Black tracksuit trousers (for colder weather)

Trainers or daps

Drawstring kit bag

Earrings should be studs only which will be taped for PE.

Hair bands and small bows should be green, yellow, white, black or blue - hair tied up.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name so that if they get misplaced we are able to return them.
