Ditcheat Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and
Upton Noble C of E VC Primary Schools

Spring 1

In DT this afternoon the Year 2 children made their Tudor houses ready to burn next week when we recreate the Great Fire of London. The Year 3 children made sculptures using 3D shapes.

We have been buzzing with rhythm during drumming lessons with Mr Large. The children have been exploring the vibrant sounds of samba music from Brazil, learning to play an exciting range of instruments including snare drums, tamborims, agogo bells and ganzas.

In Computing, the Year 3 children have been using screen turtle to programming algorithms and the Year 2 children have been moving bee bots around a map.

In Geography, we have used atlases to locate the four countries, capital cities and seas of the United Kingdom.

In English, we have made constellation viewers and written step by step instructions.

In Art, we have torn tissue paper to make planet Earth collages.

In Science, we matched baby animals to their offspring and then we discussed which animals lay eggs and which give birth to live young.
