Ditcheat Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and
Upton Noble C of E VC Primary Schools

Parent Information

Our school prides itself on the relationship we build with our parents.  For a child to truly be the best they can be, it is essential that the link between home and school is strong.  That way, parents and school staff can work together to help the children in their care become ready for the world beyond our school.


We invite parents into school to be involved eg helping with readers, class inspire sessions, bikeability, fundraising events and much more. Parents are invited in to see children's books and share their learning. Parents can accompany school trips as volunteers.


We encourage family members to come in and read to and with the children as well as run assemblies where they explain their job roles.


We have 2 parent evenings a year, one per term and a written report in the summer, with optional parents evening. Parents can make an appointment to speak to staff at any time.



Our maths progression documents show the main methods we use to teach and record addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

Developing a Social, Emotional and Mentally Healthy School

As a school we are working hard to support all members of our community to feel supported in terms of Social, Emotional and Mental Health.

Please click on the picture below for a useful link to support parents in this area.

