Ditcheat Primary School

Part of the East Somerset Federation which includes Bruton and
Upton Noble C of E VC Primary Schools

Autumn 2

In DT we have been learning about the eat well plate and eating a balance diet. The children enjoyed cutting up different fruits and eating them for snack this afternoon.

We enjoyed performing our play, ‘It’s a Party’. Here we are in our costumes.

In art we practised rolling clay to make a Christmas decoration and then we used different objects to create patterns. When adding decorations we used the score and slip method.

In art we have decorated a Christmas bauble to go on the Christmas tree in the village hall. Here we are putting our baubles on the tree.

This afternoon we were very lucky to go to the multi sports festival at Ansford. We got to experience lots of different sports such as netball, cricket, badminton, Dutch ball and rugby.
