Maple Class (Year 2 and Year 3) Miss Cook and Miss Green
Welcome to our class page! This will give you a bit of an idea of the amazing things we will be doing in Maple this term. I will be updating this page regularly with photos so you can see what we have been getting up to.
In Maple you will find teachers Miss Cook and Mrs Wilkins (Wednesday morning) as well as our LSA's, Miss Green and Miss Berry. This term our topic is 'How do animals change and grow?'.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please could children come to school in their PE kit on these days and I would suggest packing extra layers as we will be outside as much as possible. Forest School will take place on a Thursday morning so it may be useful to have wellies/spare clothes on this day. Children will also need a coat every day as we aim to be outside for playtimes and lunchtimes come rain or shine.
Spellings will be set on a Monday, a paper copy will be sent home and the spellings will be available to practise on Spelling Shed. Spelling shed and TT Rockstars usernames and passwords are stuck in the front of children's reading records. Spelling shed and TT Rockstars are ongoing home resources that you can use to help your child consolidate their learning at home. Reading books will come home daily, with the expectation that children read to an adult each night.
Children can bring in their own healthy snack for morning break and they will be offered a piece of fruit from school every afternoon. Also, please ensure children have a named water bottle in school every day.
Our celebratory Star Assembly will take place at 3.10pm every Friday. We extend an invitation to all of our school community to come and share the successes of the week in our school hall.
If you have any questions or queries about anything this term please contact me through the school office or write a note in your child's reading record book and I will be happy to help.
Best wishes,
Miss Cook